Thursday, November 21, 2013

Holiday Fun in the Bedroom

With the holidays coming up the stress level goes through the roof. A great way to relax and help someone else relax is thru a massage. I've given hundreds of massages in my lifetime and 9 out of 10 times they end in a great sexual experience.
   Here's a few tips for giving a great massage :
      1) Lubrication is key - just like for the main event. Most guys don't want anything food or flowery so you probably shouldn't use one of your own. Anything with vanilla or aloe is a great idea. You're best off with an unscented lotion like Oil of a Olay or Vaseline Intensive Care.
      2) Make sure to make it a full body massage. I always make it a point to massage every single part of the body. Many people leave out the hands and feet and those are where you have the most nerve endings so you want to make sure that you don't leave them out.    
  On the hands do a deep palm massage and wriggle down each finger. A lot of people like you to crack the knuckle very gently by pulling on the loosened fingers - not by bending it inwards. But make sure you ask what your honey wants first.  On the feet focus on the ball of the foot but don't leave the ankle or heel   out. For most of us are feet are the most used body part each day so don't skimp on them. Run your fingers between his toes and everything.
      3) Don't speed through it I usually spend about 10 minutes on each area. I start with the back then the arms, hands and head. Then I move to the legs and feet and finally I end with the lower back / buttocks area. Do not be scared of massaging his butt! The butt sits at the base of the spine so there's a lot of tension built up in there.
  4) After a 40 minute massage end by giving him some soft kisses on his neck and whispering in his ear. I guarantee you're efforts will pay off threefold in a sensual sexual release.

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