Friday, September 27, 2013

Unleash the beast

     Many women want to know what really turns a man on. I'll answer that easily -
EVERYTHING! No, but really I've come to find out that most of the things that women
think turn men on are wrong so here's what I've found in my venture to uncover the truth.
     As I have asked this question to men, I usually get at least one response in
common amongst all of them. Self-confidence. When a woman exudes the aura of loving
herself and when she believes she is blessing the man with the honor of having sex with her.
It's not just a cliche that the most beautiful thing a woman can wear is confidence. In
delving deeper I have found a common theme that many women don't talk about or even
like to admit and that is that most of us are not 100% secure with our bodies.
     I've found so many women (including myself) that are just not pleased with the
way they look naked. As for me I know when having sex I feel at my most vulnerable and as
though every single imperfection on my body is being magnified which can definitely
become a little unsettling. And who can let loose and have fun when they're focused on
their flaws? I have found that most of the best sex that I've ever had has been when I am
totally and utterly comfortable with the way I look, but that took some getting used to.
     What I did was figure out a way I could boost my esteem. I dolled myself up with a cute
outfit and did the whole hair and make-up as though I was getting ready to see my guy. I
put on music that really makes me feel like I got it going on and I shamelssly danced in
front of the mirror as though I was doing a naughty performance for my lover. The key is
to get completely comfortable in your own skin and to in turn love every nook and cranny
on your body. It's something that takes a few times to get used to and I suggest doing it
when you're home alone so you're not worried if someone is gonna come walking in any
second but it really helped me feel sexier. It's almost like practice for later on when you're
in the bedroom with your significant other.
     The second thing I heard from guys about what their turn on are is that we
really don't need to go all out with the extraneous stuff when getting it on. A heightened
sexual experience is contingent upon the level of intimacy and closeness in the room not on
what color nail polish you're wearing or if you can contort yourself into a pretzel. Guys say
they find a woman just as sexy with no clothes on than with all the lace and frills we feel the
need to put on for them. Now personally for me I don't get dressed up for him, I get dressed
up for me. I find that I feel more enticing and arousing with short skirts and push up bras
but to each his own. Coming from the male point of view, they don't really care what we're
wearing. Half the time they just rush to get your clothes off anyways. I also noticed that eye
contact is a huge part of intimacy especially when performing oral, men love to see you
looking up from below.
      All in all from what I've found the most important part to turning on your man
is exuding sexiness and that can only come from within you. Feeling, knowing and
unleashing the sex goddess within you is the key. And there is a nymph queen inside each
and every one of us, it's just up to us to get in touch with her and let her out of her cage.

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